VE Newsletter Spring 2022 - French Creek Valley Railroad Historical Society, Meadville, PA 16335

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VE Newsletter Spring 2022

The Valley Express Newsletter Spring 2022 Vol. 17 Nbr. 1
The Valley Express NL Spring 2022 Vol 17 #1

Another business was Harry McClure's Lumber Company near Harmonsburg. There was a slight misunderstanding with this business when a switch to a siding was dismantled. Mr. McClure had to lease the land from the owner, Samuel Parks, to get the switch reinstalled. Conneaut Lake Ice Co. set their business up on August L880, to cut ice from the frozen lake then store or ship it to markets all over the country until the last block of ice was cut from Conneaut Lake in 1929, after the production of the electric refrigerator began. That statement shows that the Meadville Railway served the Ice Co. as well. The president of the Conneaut Lake Ice Co. was James J. Shryock, who, in his lifetime, was an officer in a multitude of area railroads, including as president of the former Meadville Railway.
(Editor's Note: One mention uas found tbat a Meaduille company, likely a grocer, by tbe name of Green & Bake4 sold Conneaut Lake lce Co. ice to tbe public.) The Meadville and Linesville Railway hauled over 100,000 tons of ice annually from the Conneaut Lake Ice Company until the railroad was sold at foreclosure on May 23, 1891. The likely cause was Mr. Delamater's banking firm, Delamater & Co., (established on May 22, 7876), collapsed, The bank was owned by George, his father and brother. The Delamaters were accused of receMng deposits while knowing their firm was insolvent.
The Meadville & Linesville Railway was sold and reorganized as the Meadville Conneaur Lake & Linesville Railroad on June 23, LB9l. Then on July 1, the Pittsburgh Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad conracted a lease of the line for 99 years. But, better times were ahead for this line, as when an installment on the Meadville Conneaut Lake & Linesville is covered in tltulley Express. (Editor's note: During tbe extensiue research for tbis article, not many notations regarding businesses serued by tbe Meaduille & Linesuille Railroad utere found.
Tbere uere likely more than tbe Conneaut Lake Ice Co., Union Express, possibly some businesses tbat sold dry goods, coal and lumber. Tbe M&L also seraed as sort of a bridge line, connecting witb tbe NYPANO and tbe Pennsylvania Railroad's Erie & Pittsburgb branch. If it seems a lack of mention of businesses during tbe time tbe M&L was in operation, it uasn't for lack of effort.)

Sources of information: "History of Crauford County -1885" *1888 Crawford County History and Biograpbies" "Meaduille lllustrated" (19 1 2) "The Besserner and Lake Erie Railroad -1869-1969" by Roy Beaver "Pennsylvania Railroad Lines West Erie & Pittsburgh Branch" by Al Buchan "Pennsylvania Railroad Cbronolog1y" from Meadville Raihtay minutes (1880 to 1885)
Thanks to Scott Woods for tbe loan of the bistorical documents.
Holiday at tbe Depot

The Meadville Railroad Depot was open to the public during the holidays to display three layouts and the depot itself. The depot was open on Friday evenings, from 4 to 7 p.m., and on Saturdays, from noon to 4 p.m. There was a fairly steady flow of traffic through the depot. Most everyone commented that the depot is looking fantastic after the renovations. The appearance of the depot may have had a lot to do with the number of new members that signed up. We appreciate whatever reason in which we receive new members. This will be another feather in the FCVRRHS's cap. The organization will have renovated the depot, the B&LE boxcar, painted the Erie Railroad 52 and the Conrail Russell snowplow.

Sales were brisk at times. Our new depot t-shirts were selling very well, along with our normal clothing lineup and model railroad equipment. The sales team was kept quite busy at times.

Many visitors gave material and monetary donations. Those donating artifacts were more than happy to have some place to share a piece of their life or a loved one's life with the public. Some of the visitors also shared their stories relating to the railroads, all of which were quite interesting.These stories are one of the many reasons for the existence of our railroad museum. lt isn't just the artifacts that tell the story, it's the people who lived these stories.

Our two raffles were quite busy. The 50/50 raffle winner was Gordon Valentine, and the winner of the Toys for Tots train set raffle was Brian Memmert. Congratulations to you both! And thanks to all who purchased the tickets. The other half of the 50/50 helps fund our renovation efforts. The Toys for Tots raffle raised $200 to help the less fortunate kids have a gift for Christmas.

Look for our next scheduled opening during the Memorial Day weekend. Our Grand Opening has been set for July 16 and 17, 2022. See youthen!
-Carl Tirnko

From the Stationmaster & Donations

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